Online Color Analysis


Stock Number: 0004

What Is Color Analysis?

Each of you has a skin tone that looks best when you wear certain clothing and makeup colors. Based on your hair, eyes and skin you will be classified either a winter, summer, spring or autumn. Knowing which season palette will help you to always look your best.

From this day forward you will be shopping confidently knowing you are the correct season. I will be your personal consultant who you can contact whenever you have a question.

Ready to Begin Your Analysis? After you place your order, I will be in touch with you. I will be asking you to email me several pictures of yourself. They should include head shots of your face and a close up of your eyes. I will analyze you and give you your season and the details on how to effectively shop with your swatches.

Of course your fabric swatch wallet is included. You will have an opportunity to ask lots of questions with regard to your analysis. I look forward to helping you simplify your shopping experience and save money. It's your turn to always look beautiful.


PS - This service is also available as a gift certificate. You will need to call us at 608.836.1012 to arrange for this.

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